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How to Make Change Happen

Homework has changed our lives for the worse and prohibits and hinders the ingenuity and passion of our generation. With the time we could be using to play or read, we instead spend inside working the same math problems and equations over and over. If you want us to practice our skills, to reinforce the valuable skills we learn in the classroom, let us live our life. Let us live and call upon those skills when we need them in real life, where the work we do actually has a point. Let our passion to learn new things be found by ourselves. You cannot teach passion, so give us the chance to find our own. Homework cannot reinforce what the teachers teach, teach responsibility, make you time manage, or make you “smarter.” Only living, and personal experience can truly do that, and we cannot experience anything while stuck inside, doing the same thing over and over again. Sign my petition to join me in getting rid of this unnecessary parasite on the minds and hearts of our nation's children so that they can grow and develop properly. 

Talk to your PTA, your school board, and your superintendent and start demanding these changes!

Sign the petition at Change.Org or click on the Link Below:

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